Membership in Minnesota Maple Syrup Producers' Association is open to all persons interested in maple syrup or firms engaged in any phase of producing, processing and/or marketing of maple syrup.
Member Benefits
Membership meetings: Held twice annually, in the spring and fall, at locations rotating around the state. These semi-annual meetings include a variety of informative presentations, tours of maple operations, equipment demonstrations, tasting sessions, discussions of state/national conditions and industry status, and producer question/answer sessions.
A highlight of the annual meeting, held the third Saturday of May each year, is the maple syrup contest. Members are encouraged to enter samples of their current season’s syrup crop to be evaluated and judged on the basis of color, clarity, density, and flavor. A great way to get feedback for next season!
Following morning presentations and the short annual short business meeting, and lunch, nearby sugarbush and production facilities of members are toured. Friendships are made, sugarhouse and equipment set ups are observed and ideas are exchanged. Members of the MMSPA are eager to exchange insights with fellow producers, especially new producers wanting to learn what “sugaring” is all about.
Newsletters: Members receive (and can contribute to) the official newsletter of the MMSPA, the "Minnesota Maple News", each quarter. Members of MMSPA also receive the Maple Digest, the official publication of the North American Maple Syrup Council. And of course, access to, the official website of MMSPA, where members can update their profile information and submit information, photos, and items of interest. In addition, information and communications are shared at each membership meeting, and via special mailings to members as needed.
Directory: Based on the information collected on the MMSPA registration form, we put together a directory that contains contact information for members and their sugarhouses.

New / Renew Membership
Register Online:
New Member: To register online, decide on a membership plan (Single, Family or Business for Annual or 3 Year option) and then click the "Sign Up / Renew" button for that option. Complete the requested profile information (new user) and submit your membership application for processing. Note: you must have an email address to register online.
Existing Member: To renew your membership online, decide on a membership plan (Single, Family or Business for Annual or 3 Year option) and then click the "Sign Up / Renew" button for that option. You will be prompted to log in (alternatively, you could use the Member Login link at the top of the page). Once you have logged in, you can renew (or change) your membership, or you can update your member profile information.
Register by Mail: If you do not want to sign up or renew online, you may print, complete and mail our paper registration form: MMSPA Membership Form
Dues: Registration (new or renewing) is not complete until you submit your annual membership dues, which are due in May of each year. You can pay securely online, using PayPal, or you may write a check and mail your dues to: Ben Carlson, MMSPA Treasurer | 15946 County Road 51 | St Joseph, MN 56374
MMSPA Membership Plans
Single Voting Member - Annual $25
Click the button below to SIGN UP for a new membership or RENEW an existing membership.
2-Vote Family - Annual $30
Click the button below to SIGN UP for a new membership or RENEW an existing membership.
Business - Annual $30
Click the button below to SIGN UP for a new membership or RENEW an existing membership.
Single Voting Member - 3 Year $75
Click the button below to SIGN UP for a new membership or RENEW an existing membership.
2 Vote Family - 3 Year $90
Click the button below to SIGN UP for a new membership or RENEW an existing membership.
Business - 3 Year $90
Click the button below to SIGN UP for a new membership or RENEW an existing membership.