Information for Exhibits & Ads
Invite to Maple Industry Sponsors, Advertisers and Trade Show Exhibitors
To: Maple Industry Sponsors, Advertisers and Trade Show Exhibitors
On October 21-24, 2019 the Minnesota Maple Syrup Producers Association will host the maple industry’s premier industry gathering in Duluth, Minnesota. The event will be held at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center (the DECC) overlooking the Lake Superior harbor. Maple producers, equipment manufacturers, suppliers, researchers, educators and other professionals from all across North America will meet at the DECC.
The event will include the joint annual meetings of the two leading international maple organizations: North American Maple Syrup Council (NAMSC) and the International Maple Syrup Institute (IMSI). These two organizations will be represented by members from over 20 U.S. states and Canadian provinces where maple syrup is produced on a commercial scale.
The convention will include a trade show featuring the latest maple industry products, equipment, supplies and services. Technical sessions highlighting current research initiatives will be presented, as well as educational workshops for producers and industry professionals. Plans include numerous workshop sessions for both large and small maple producers, as well as the highly acclaimed IMSI Maple Grading School for experienced sugar makers.
The NAMSC and IMSI annual business meetings are an integral part of our industry and the Minnesota Maple Syrup Producers’ Association is honored to host them. In order to showcase the entire North American maple industry properly, we are seeking your involvement and support.
For details unique to sponsorship packages, advertising rates and trade show information, please refer to the following:
View information sent to Vendors and Exhibitors.
Reservation and Registration Form - Sponsor, Program Book, Trade Show
Please complete the Reservation and Registration Form to indicate your selection for Sponsorships, Program Book Advertising, and/or Trade Show Space. Send form, payment in U.S. funds, and vendor proof of insurance to:
Tony McGinnity, Convention Treasurer
1503 Colleen Avenue
Arden Hills, MN 55112