
    Maple Syrup & Confections Contest

    The maple syrup and confections competition will be administered under the North American maple contest guidelines developed and adopted by the IMSI and NAMSC. Maple syrup entries must be submitted in glass or plastic containers not less than 16 ounces (one pint) or 500 ml CA.

    Entry categories will be:


    • Golden Maple Syrup with a Delicate Taste. Not less than 75%Tc.
    • Amber Maple Syrup with a Rich Taste. 50.0 to 74.9% Tc.
    • Dark Maple Syrup with Robust Taste. 25.0 to 49.9% Tc.
    • Very Dark Maple Syrup with a Strong Taste. Less than 25% Tc.


    • Maple Candy (Molded Soft Sugar) – One box w/ 6 small pieces
    • Maple Cream (Maple Butter, Maple Spread) – 8 ounce (250g) container
    • Stirred Maple Sugar (Granulated or Dry Sugar) - 8 ounce (250g) container

    Photo Contest

    Contest participation is limited to registered convention attendees. Entries submitted by mail accepted from registered convention participants only.


    • Sugar House Scene (Interior or Exterior)
    • Sugar Bush Scene
    • Product Ready for Market (Containers, Packaging/Labels, Retail Displays, etc.)
    • Maple People on the Job (Past, Present, Young, Old, etc.)


    • Photos may be black/white or color
    • Must be taken by entering maple professional or an immediate family member
    • Photos taken by a non-professional photographer
    • Photos must be no smaller than 5”x7” and no larger than 8”x10”
    • No slides or posters are allowed
    • Only one entry per person per category will be accepted
    • Name, address, and entry category clearly marked on the back of each entry

    Contact Us

    President:  Bill Warner
    Vice Pres:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Secretary:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Treasurer:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    MMSPA Mailing Address:
    1904 Eagle Place
    Buffalo, MN  55313

    What's New in the Website

    Updated Frequently Asked Questions 
    Updated Fun Facts
    More links of the Links page
    Enhancements to the Membership Directory
    New website design, including new registration and member signup/login options, also a feed from our MMSPA Facebook page.

    See the EVENTS page for details on upcoming events.

    See the NEWS page for recently added articles impacting the maple syrup industry.